Saturday, 24 January 2015

4 Sexual Sins Every Christian Should Avoid

4 Sexual Sins Every Christian Should Avoid

Excessive sexual sin and nakedness is one of the marks of our Western culture and much of the world today. Everything is sensual. Everything must be sexy. We live in a sex-crazed world, and nakedness jumps out at us from everywhere. It is becoming more and more difficult for men and women to keep themselves in a state of moral purity. Sexual sin and neglecting the laws of purity in the body of Christ is one of the elements that can potentially bring weakness, sickness, and even premature death to many in the Church. It is one forgotten aspect of not discerning the Lord’s body (1 Cor. 11:29-31). Those last statements sound so primitive in today’s contemporary church. There is a lack of ministry from pastors in this area because of the fear of forthcoming accusations of being unloving, judgmental, legalistic, and ministering guilt and condemnation. Frankly, we’ve lost our way in this regard. Correction, rebuke and reproof are clearly missing from our counsel in these new crooked days of false comfort and unscriptural mercy. In days of old it was rather common for correction to be made not only using the Scriptures but through the manifestation of the gifts of the Holy Spirit. For instance, it was observed by one old timer that in praying for the sick, individuals who had been unfaithful in their marriage and had not repented, but who nevertheless sought healing, had been rebuked sternly by the Spirit of God. Back then they understood that only deep repentance and cleansing through the precious Blood of Christ could the gravity of such a crime be pardoned. Today, as I said, we are considered condemning and judgmental if we minister in such a manner. Yet it is common for many to get in a healing line and seek deliverance, or submit prayer requests while living in gross immorality without any earnest desire for genuine repentance. Those who practice sexual sin, or any other sin for that matter, and profess Christ, are partaking of the body of the Lord unworthily; and in doing so they are receiving a curse rather than a blessing. “For he who eats and drinks in an unworthy manner eats and drinks judgment to himself, not discerning the Lord’s body. For this reason many are weak and sick among you, and many sleep” (1 Cor. 11:29-31). I realize that sexual temptations are great, no one is exempt from them, and none should boast of their self-righteousness. I’m also aware that in seeking to turn someone from the error of their ways we must do so in gentleness and humility (Gal. 6:1; 2 Tim. 2:25). But if there is to be victory in this area, it must begin with a reverent understanding and a scriptural estimation of the defiling and degrading nature of sexual sin and its terrible dangers. Before people obey God, they must be thoroughly awakened. Only then will they overcome counteracting forces. Carefully read these words of one of America’s greatest evangelists, Charles G. Finney: “Worldly desires, appetites, and feelings prevent true Christianity—the human will is, in a sense, enslaved by fleshly and worldly desires. It is therefore necessary for God to awaken people to a sense of guilt and danger and thus produce an opposite excitement or feeling and desire. This counter-feeling breaks the power of worldly desire and leaves the will free to obey God.” That ideology, my friends, is clearly absent from the mainstream of contemporary Christianity, yet it is so sorely needed. As in modern-day America, sexual sin and nakedness were celebrated in the city of Corinth too and was infiltrating into the church there. Thus Paul had to remind the Corinthian saints that their bodies were now the temples of God and not their own. Their bodies, as ours, are now members of Christ, so a sin against our bodies is a sin against Christ. “Do you not know that your bodies are members of Christ? Shall I then take the members of Christ and make them members of a harlot? Certainly not! Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own? For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God’s” (1 Cor. 6:15, 19-20). As far back as the Mosaic books we find some interesting references to sexual immorality and nakedness.
  • The first recorded human curse was over nakedness (Gen 9:20-23).
  • Nearly two entire chapters along with many other references were a code of ethics on nakedness and sexual immorality (See Lev. 18 and 20).
  • Exposed genitalia or nakedness were common in Canaanite demonic worship. Instructions and prohibitions to Moses were so Israel’s altars would not be like the Canaanites’ (Ex. 28:41-43; 20:26).
  • When Moses returned from the mountain, Aaron had lost control of the people as they worshiped a golden calf, “unrestrained” (Ex. 32:25), as the New King James says it. The Old King James says “naked,” and the Living Bible says “committing adultery.” And all this happened shortly after a move of God.
One of the keys to overcoming sexual sin lies in the meditation of the Word of God concerning it. This will nurture the fear of the Lord in you. For example, in Gal. 5:19-21 the works of the flesh are divided into four basic categories 1) sexual sins, 2) sins connected with pagan religion and the occult, 3) sins of the temper, and 4) sins of drunkenness. It is interesting that sexual sin is listed first, not only here, but also in several other scriptural references in the New Testament.
  • Romans 1:24, 6:19 – Uncleanness is singled out.
  • 1 Corinthians 6:9-11 – Sexual sins listed first.
  • Galatians 5:19-21 – Sexual sins listed first.
  • Ephesians 4:19 – Lewdness and uncleanness singled out.
  • Ephesians 5:3 – Fornication and uncleanness singled out; let it not once be named among you.
  • Colossians 3:5 – Fornication and uncleanness listed first.
  • 1 Thessalonians 4:3 – Sexual immorality singled out in our walk of sanctification.
  • 1 Peter 4:3 – Lewdness listed first from our past life.
There are at least four primary sexual sins the Word of God speaks of: adultery, fornication, uncleanness and lewdness.
Here are the definitions of these four sexual sins:
1- Adultery: Unlawful sexual intercourse involving at least one married person. Adultery is incompatible with the harmonious laws of family life in God’s kingdom, and is under God’s judgment since it violates God’s original purpose.
2- Fornication: Pornography, illicit sexual intercourse including prostitution, whoredom, incest, licentiousness (lack of moral restraint), and habitual immorality (would include sexual fantasies that lead to masturbation).
3- Uncleanness: Often refers to homosexuality and lesbianism
4- Lewdness: unashamed indecency, unbridled lust, unrestrained depravity (a disposition or settled tendency to evil, the innate corruption of unregenerate man), the person with this characteristic has an insolent defiance of public opinion, sinning in broad daylight with arrogance and contempt. Again, this often refers to sexual sin. Here’s where many people err in their understanding of their sexuality. Notice the following verses. “Foods for the stomach and the stomach for foods, but God will destroy both it and them. Now the body is not for sexual immorality but for the Lord, and the Lord for the body. And God both raised up the Lord and will also raise us up by His power” (1 Cor. 6:13-14). Paul is correcting the dangerous misconception among the Corinthians who believed, “as the stomach is designed for food, the genitals are created for sexual experience.” This mind-set is not only common among unregenerate human beings but also among Christians who justify sexual immorality. Paul shows how this analogy is false because your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost and belongs to Christ. Eating food is a secondary and temporal arrangement, but sexuality reaches into the eternal and metaphysical depths of one’s being. An essential identity exists between the present physical body and the future glorified body (v 14). Sexual intercourse is more than a biological experience; it involves a communion of life. Since Jesus is one with the born-again believer’s spirit, it is unthinkable to involve Him with immorality; thus the strong admonition not to let the sin of fornication and all uncleanness “even be named among you” (Eph. 5:3; emphasis added). Sexuality is a uniquely profound aspect of the personality involving one’s entire being. Sexual immorality has far-reaching effects, with great spiritual significance and social implications (v18). Such immorality is not only a sin against the body but against the Holy Spirit, who dwells in the body. It is one of the ways we are to discern the Lord’s body, which when consistently neglected, as I stated earlier, often brings weakness, sickness, and even premature death. Regardless of how satisfying and fulfilling sex is in its rightful place within the marriage, it is still a temporal arrangement and not a part of our eternal existence. And yet by it we procreate and give birth to eternal spirits. Sexual immorality messes with the power of procreation with someone to whom you are not married. The sexual drive is not sinful, but it is hurtful if not kept in its proper place. Scripture forbids sexual immorality in order to protect you. Politicians, businesses, schools and our public institutions are not qualified to handle the subject of sexual immorality and deviate sex problems we have in our culture. They are a part of the problem, not the solution. Sadly though, the church has fallen so short of addressing this problem from a strong scriptural perspective. Some churches no longer even believe what the Bible says about sexual immorality is pertinent. One high-ranking church official said that the church is going to have to come to an understanding of homosexuality according to the changing culture. That is one of the biggest problems in the church today. Many of us are conforming to the standards of the culture around us. Another well-known charismatic television preacher told his audience that homosexuality is not sin but brokenness. “What do you think David and Jonathan were doing? What do you think Ruth and Naomi were doing?” implying that they were involved in homosexual and lesbian relationships. I had to shake my head at that one. And yet this preacher is considered one of the greatest preachers in America with a very large following. It turns out that one of his own children is a homosexual. Although this is a very crushing trial for any godly parent to have to face, one cannot be loyal to his family at the expense of betraying God’s holy Word. When influential preachers say erroneous things like that, it opens the door for deception and compromise among masses of people who respect these preachers. This will lead to a flood of evil, immorality, and all kinds of perversion among the hearers of such. It is sad to see the dilution of sound doctrine in much of the church today. It is grievous to the Holy Spirit to see such cowardice and compromise among preachers who have either departed from the true faith or who are afraid to teach sound doctrine in the area of sexual morality. As a result, our children and young people are getting educated by the reprobate minds of the world. Let the preachers of righteousness speak up with strength and conviction, for the time is here when many are not enduring sound doctrine, but with itching ears are heaping up teachers unto themselves.
Bert M. Farias, founder of Holy Fire Ministries, is the author of The Real Gospel and co-host of the New England Holy Ghost Forum. He is a missionary evangelist carrying a spirit of revival to the church and the nations. Follow him at Bert Farias on Facebook or @Bertfarias1 on Twitter.
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Thursday, 22 January 2015


When we hear of people having Kidney failures we think of only alcohol and smoking which is just 39.99%
  It is a sad fact that the habits most
Of us has could cause kidney damage.
So here are the top 6 causes of kidney
1. Delaying going to a toilet
Keeping your urine in your bladder for too long
is a bad idea. A full bladder can cause bladder
damage. The urine that stays in the bladder
multiplies bacteria quickly. Once the urine
refluxes back to the ureter and kidneys, the
toxic substances can result in kidney
infections, then urinary tract infections, and
then nephritis, and even uremia. When nature
calls – do it as soon as possible.
2. Eating too much salt
You should eat no more than 5.8 grams of salt
3. Eating too much meat
Too much protein in your diet is harmful for
your kidneys. Protein digestion produces
ammonia – a toxin that is very destructive to
your kidneys. More meat equals more kidney
4. Drinking too much caffeine
Caffeine is a component of many sodas and
soft drinks. It raises your blood pressure and
your kidneys start suffering. So you should cut
down the amount of coke you drink daily.
5. Not drinking water
Our kidneys should be hydrated properly to
perform their functions well. If we don’t drink
enough, the toxins can start accumulating in
the blood, as there isn’t enough fluid to drain
them through the kidneys. Drink more than 10
glasses of water daily. There is an easy way
to check if you are drinking enough water:
look at the colour of your urine; the lighter
the colour, the better.
6. Late treatment
Treat all your health problems properly and
have your health checked regularly. Good morning

Wednesday, 21 January 2015



Home Teaching
This is an age-long tradition that had kept many people going all through their university life. It wouldn’t be a bad idea to continue with the tradition. You indicate your interest in teaching children at home to everyone around you. It is always advantageous here for you if you got posted to a school. The teachers, the students, the members of your host community, not leaving out your fellow corps members could be helpful. It could involve you placing an advert of that through whatever means people can get it. Pupils and students in the terminal levels of their education need special lessons. Approach their parents and agree with them on some convenient price. Let me remind you that you can’t give what you don’t have. Update your knowledge to be able to teach others!
Laundry Service
Some folks require the service of persons to handle their laundry. This is a very lucrative venture you can engage in during your spare time. Have you ever attempted calculating how much those illiterate ‘any wash’ women made daily from students during your university days? I know your style of handling the trade would be much professional based on your level of education. Brand the service well. Start small and grow it into something worthwhile.
This, we were taught back in our elementary school, is the oldest occupation of man. Every individual, no matter how sophisticated, depends on agricultural products to survive. What are you waiting for? This becomes handy when you are serving in a rural/agrarian area. Your host community could be kind enough to lease you some land to grow crops. Those from the nomadic families could allow you milk their cattle too. A cordial relationship with members of your host community is all you need to keep you going. Think of a sector in agriculture you can invest in. Snail rearing, fish farming, poultry farming, bee farming and crop production are among areas to consider. Read further on various areas in agriculture on your own. Better still, your jottings during the SEAD lectures relating to agriculture would be very valuable here.
The distribution of products to their final consumers is going to be interesting to those with good marketing skills. Get some marketable product of interest to sell in your host community and get your profit out of that. Wouldn’t it be interesting that you make some people’s work easier by bring their basic needs closer to them?
The people around you need the service of a graduate like you to help them put their thoughts in print. Use this avenue to make some cash. It might not be appealing to some people that you charge to write for them. Let such people look for others that would do so for them for free. Today, writing is about the fastest growing lucrative venture. As long as people value your writing skill they would be ready to pay for your service. Writing is real business!
Editing and Proofreading
Some people are good writers but would still need others to proofread their works. Such people don’t want to patronise professional editors because those ones charge more. You are a likely alternative to get such assignments done. Be prudent enough to charge them well. Your knowledge of grammar isn’t a waste. Use it to make some money!
Mobile Workforce
What about making some money from your mobile phone? Wouldn’t it be a good idea to use your phone for purposes other than connecting with friends and families? I had once written about some productive things you can do with your phone. With your phone, tablet or laptop, you can connect with clients and business associates to get things going. Physical presence to carryout business transaction is now becoming de-emphasised with technological advancement. You can serve others to make money anytime, anywhere.
These days, tertiary education students are lazy about doing educational research. If you know how to choose suitable researchable topics, prepare a review of related literature, compile and analyse data, this is where you can make some dough. The aspect of data compilation and analysis is the bomb. Let such students know of your service and charge them good. This becomes useful if you got posted to a locale where tertiary institution students live. You know that educational research is not beans. So, be prepared to take up the challenge and see yourself well off.
Online Assignments
Just like the mobile workforce, handling online assignments can be very interesting. Using your contacts and friends across the social media, your email and freelancing sites, you can get some extra cash into your bank account. Think of services such as writing, editing, proof reading, social media account management, web designing, blogging and programming as likely sources of income online. All you require is a laptop, a stable internet access and the will to work. Mind you, trust is a major factor here. You must first earn the trust of people online before they can keep faith in you to handle their assignments. There is money online!
This would be an interesting sector for guys who have understanding of it. As you are now in a new environment, utilise that moment to initiate or support some programmes/projects that would make people enjoy their stay in such places. Simplest of all is to work out ways of supplying beverages and snacks to people and organisations. What about handling restaurants and food service, tourism destinations and attractions identification, hotel bookings, meeting and event planning? The hospitality sector is a very lucrative business area that could set you up as an entrepreneur during and after the service year. Think hospitality!

Physical Fitness Expert
For those with sufficient background in physical fitness, this is moneyland! To stay healthy, 
people need to engage in physical exercises in addition to good nutrition habits. Being well skilled in physical activity instruction, your service would be needed in companies, schools, places of worship, government agencies and especially the ministry of sports. You would be able to educate people on their health, save their lives and make some money from that. They say health is wealth. Make some wealth with your knowledge of health!
Which other ways do you think corpers can make money? Your comments would be appreciated.

Top 10 Reasons Marriages Fail

Top 10 Reasons Marriages Fail

10. Time Problems Work and home schedules are not always compatible. Time spent apart and time spent together are equally important for maintaining a good married relationship. When time is used in a balanced way, it results in opportunities for growth and harmony. A lot of time spent alone without a corresponding period of quality time spent together puts a lot of stress on a marriage.
9. Expectation Problems
The ability to adapt to changes in married life often depends on having realistic expectations about a spouse and the marriage relationship itself. It is common for disillusionment to set in when romantic or other unrealistic expectations are not met. Over time, unmet expectations can generate enough dissatisfaction to make meaningful compromise impossible.
8. Personality Problems There are many kinds of personality traits that can make a couple incompatible and unable to reach agreement in matters concerning sex, intellect and emotion. Partners that have compulsive needs to please or belittle can make honest communication impossible. Negative personality traits make a long-term relationship unbearable and divorce a real possibility.
7. Abuse Problems Abuse of any kind is never acceptable in a marriage. Physical and verbal abuse are all too often the causes of a marital break-down. Sexual abuse and emotional abuse also fall into this category. One partner’s desire to degrade their spouse in an ongoing pattern of abuse will surely cause a marriage to fail in time.
6. Addiction Problems
Drug, alcohol and gambling abuse are all forms of addiction that are very detrimental to a marriage. Even without the presence of physical or verbal abuse, the behavior of an addicted spouse can make normal married life impossible. Addictions are also a common source of money problems in a marriage as well.
5. Friend Problems
Close personal friends of either spouse do not always make the transition to friends of the marriage. Some relationships with friends can be toxic to the marriage if they insert themselves between spouses. A good friend will enhance a married couple’s relationship. People who try to break a marriage apart are not quality friends.
4. Sex Problems
Sex is an important part of marriage and the source of many marriage problems. Every marriage requires the act of consummation by sexual intercourse. Failure to consummate a marriage or problems with sexual frequency, quality, and infidelity are all common reasons for marriage failure and divorce.
3. Family Problems
Family relationships with children, parents, in-laws, siblings and step-children are all sources of marital problems. Raising children increases stress in the home and can cause minor differences of opinion to become major rifts in a relationship. Discretion is the better part of valor when it comes to family and marriage.
2. Communications Problems
If a couple has communication problems prior to marriage, those problems are likely to get worse after tying the knot. It is important that both partners are able to discuss every aspect of married life openly and on a regular basis. A marriage without two-way communication will not last long.
1. Financial Problems
For the most part, it is the lack of open communication about money problems that jeopardizes a marriage more than the financial problems alone. Everyone has financial issues concerning bills, debts, spending and budgets. How a couple deals with those issues can make or break a relationship.


Wednesday, 14 January 2015

What is true worship?

What is true worship?

Delesslyn A. Kennebrew. 
As a child growing up at the Midway Church of Christ (Holiness) U.S.A. in Folsom, LA, under the then leadership of my father and pastor, Bishop Vernon E. Kennebrew, I was introduced to the termworship. My father regularly read Psalm 96:9 in our evening services: "O worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness: fear before him, all the earth" (KJV). The Book of Psalms is filled with hundreds of poetic anthems used in the religious celebrations of the children of Israel that clearly instructed them (and us) how to worship God. Yet, even though I heard the wordworship in conversation, testimonies, songs, and Scripture, I didn't completely understand what it meant.

The Priority of Worship

Worship is not the slow song that the choir sings. Worship is not the amount you place in the offering basket. Worship is not volunteering in children's church. Yes, these may be acts or expressions of worship, but they do not define what true worship really is. There are numerous definitions of the word worship. Yet, one in particular encapsulates the priority we should give to worship as a spiritual discipline: Worship is to honor with extravagant love and extreme submission(Webster's Dictionary,1828).
True worship, in other words, is defined by the priority we place on who God is in our lives and where God is on our list of priorities. True worship is a matter of the heart expressed through a lifestyle of holiness. Thus, if your lifestyle does not express the beauty of holiness through an extravagant or exaggerated love for God, and you do not live in extreme or excessive submission to God, then I invite you to make worship a non-negotiable priority in your life.

The Person We Worship

We worship God because he is God. Period. Our extravagant love and extreme submission to the Holy One flows out of the reality that God loved us first. It is highly appropriate to thank God for all the things he has done for us. However, true worship is shallow if it is solely an acknowledgement of God's wealth. Psalm 96:5-6 says, "For all the gods of the nations are idols, but the LORD made the heavens. Splendor and majesty are before him; strength and glory are in his sanctuary." In other words, our worship must be toward the one who is worthy simply because of his identity as the Omnipotent, Omniscient, and Omnipresent One, and not just because God is wealthy and able to meet our needs and answer our prayers. We must focus our practice of worship on the worthiness of God and not his wealthiness.
Hence, think about this: Would you continue to worship God if, from this day forward, God's miraculous signs and wonders were not so profoundly evident in your life? Would God still be worthy of your worship? Or is your worship completely dependent upon the abundance of God's blessings upon your life? Do you only worship God for what he can do for you?

The Promise of Worship

Because of our God's unimaginable generosity toward us, God, in all of his glory, chooses to respond to us through our worship. This is the promise—that when we worship God with extravagant love and extreme submission, God will come and commune with us. The promise is not that we will feel great or that our heavy load will be lifted, but that God will come. And when God comes in his own time as a response to our worship, Psalm 96:13declares, "Let all creation rejoice before the LORD, for he comes, he comes to judge the earth. He will judge the world in righteousness and the peoples in his faithfulness."
In other words, when we worship our God, he will inspect our hearts first; the other benefits that we tend to expect because we lift up our feeble hands and shout with our weak voices are worthless if our hearts are not right with God. Thus, my sisters and brothers, when we offer God our true worship, we are inviting him to inspect our hearts for anything that is not like him. This is the promise of worship—we can be transformed into God's likeness because he will reveal the truth about the condition of our hearts as we worship him. 

Saturday, 10 January 2015

Good morning, if u have not seen it,  Tyler Perry's "Temptation- the confession of a Marriage Counselor ' is must watch for everyone. Get it, see it. Nice movie.

Wednesday, 7 January 2015

Film / TV Job Descriptions

Film / TV Job Descriptions

Courtesy of Get Into

Literary Agent:
Is the people responsible for helping creative talent obtain employment. This talent usually includes: actors, writers, directors & producers. They pitch their clients to show runners and studio executives in hopes of securing them a job. They also negotiate contracts and nurture the career of their clientele.

Executive Producer:
This person is hired by a studio to help manage every aspect of a television show. The executive producer is the highest level of producer on a given show. This person is usually a writer, but can also be a non-writing producer. In television, this individual is often the series creator. Essentially all of the producers, directors and actors answer to the executive producer.
Show Runner:
A writing executive producer who is in charge of the creative direction of a show. This person hires the writing team, signs off on all aspects of the storylines and scripts, and signs off all decisions regarding the look of the show; including wardrobe, set dressing, props and art direction.
Teleplay Writer:
A writer who is given an outline of an episode and is required to turn that outline into a script. They also create characters, dialogue, dramatic situations, and written aspects of a TV series.
The director is the head of the production unit and is responsible for directing the actors and for translating the teleplay into cinematic images in accordance with his/her vision. Not only must they establish a good relationship with their actors, they must also understand all technical issues regarding television.
A producer is hired by both the Executive Producer and the Studio. This person is the liaison between these two entities. They are responsible for all financial aspects of the television show. They are also very instrumental in hiring and managing all below-the-line crew members. It is their responsibility for keeping the show on budget.
Associate Producer/Production:
The Associate Producer helps the producer with all "line" aspects of the production. They deal with scheduling the production, hiring crew and ordering all equipment for the show.
Associate Producer/Post:
This person is also known as the "Post" producer. They are responsible for all aspects of post production, including picture editing, music scoring, title session, final color correction, all audio editing and final audio mixing.
Production Coordinator:
This person is responsible for setting up and organizing the production and writer offices; acts as liaison between the production office and the set, and prioritizing information for expeditious handling the producer and production manager and/or associate producer.
Unit Production Manager/UPM:
The UPM is hired by the producer to coordinate and supervise all administrative, financial, and technical details of television production. This individual assists the producer in hiring the crew and makes all the first contacts for dates, locations, and fees. During production, he or she approves changes in scheduling and the budget, serves as intermediary between the producer/management and crew, and oversees the activities of the entire crew.

Production Accountant:
Individual responsible for keeping track of all financial costs and transactions incurred in the making of a television show. Works closely with the UPM in preparing preliminary budgets and monitors the budgetary status of the production. Generates a "hot cost" report that outlines where an episode is financially on a daily basis.
First Assistant Director/1st AD:
Responsible for maintaining order and discipline on the set, keeping production moving to meet scheduling goals, establishing the crew and shooting calls, and oversees the selection and management of the extras. This person runs the set and is responsible for keeping the director on course with the production day.
Second Assistant Director/2nd AD:
Responsible to the 1st AD for preparing and distributing the daily paperwork, call sheets, production reports, SAG contracts, etc. This individual sees to it that the cast and crew is in the right place at the right time, maintains the schedule for each shooting day, and selects positions and directs movement of the extras.
Second Second Assistant Director/2nd 2nd AD:
This person assists the 1st and 2nd A.D. in running the set. Their main job is the manage the extras and to establish with the director the movement and action of the extras.
Script Supervisor:
Maintains an accurate shooting script and recording in detail all information related to each take, including length of shot, scene and take number, camera placement, and printable takes, as well as any notations on dialogue, action, props, set dressing, wardrobe, make-up, and hair in order to provide continuity during shooting and to facilitate editing.
Production Assistant:
A production assistant is an entry level position within the television industry. This position is responsible for assisting the producers and the production staff with all aspects of production. They answer phones, schedule meeting, copy scripts, deliver scripts.
Casting Director:
Person who finds, auditions, and negotiates for the services of actors. He or she breaks down the script by role, characteristics, and age. Compiles list of potential candidates, checks their availability, contacts agents, and schedules all auditions and call backs.
Production Designer:
Individual works closely with producers and director to determine how they see the show, and by choice of colors, textures, and materials determines the overall "look" and contributes to the emotional tone of the show. The Production Designer supervises the search of locations, designs sets, oversees the drawing up of blue prints and the building and dressing of all sets.
Art Director:
This person works with the studio and the executive producers to create a "look" for a show. This person designs the sets that are later built for a television series.
Set Designer:
Responsible for the execution of detailed drawings of the sets and construction elements within the set to be built. He or she drafts blue prints from descriptions of drawings from the Production Designer or Art Director and thereafter oversees the construction of sets.
Construction Coordinator:
After receiving the set plans from the Set Designer, this person is responsible for managing the crew that builds the sets. They also budget the build and monitor all set costs.
Set Decorator:
Works closely with the Production Designer to achieve the visual look of the show. Individual decorates with furniture, drapes, textures, etc. Set dec also supervises set dressing crew.
Director of Photography/DP:
Works closely with the Director in translating the screenplay into moving images. They orchestrate the lighting, framing and shooting of the show in close consultation with is three key supporting crew members: Camera Operator, Gaffer, and Key Grip. He or she is responsible for all production photography.
Camera Operator:
Operates the camera and is responsible to the DP for composition, focus, camera movement, and anything that comes within the domain of photography.
Individual responsible to the DP for all lighting set ups and procedures on a production. Works closely with the DP and Key Grip in the selection, placement, and desired level and balance of the lighting on a set or location.
Key Grip:
Responsible to the DP and gaffer for providing and placing all diffusion, for facilitating or actuating camera movement, and for moving, erecting, and striking scaffolding. As head of the grip crew, the Key Grip supervises transporting, rigging, placing, operating, moving, lifting, carrying, and striking of all grip equipment and accessories, as well as sometimes assisting other departments in handling and moving their equipment.
Best Boy Grip:
Assistant to the Key Grip. Best Boy takes care of the equipment, brings on extra manpower, orders, supplies, etc.
Dolly Grip:
Person who handles the dollies and cranes. A dolly is a platform on which a camera is placed. It has a hydraulic arm that lowers and raises, and it has wheels.
Prop Master:
Person responsible for preparing the prop breakdown and budget for selecting, positioning, and maintaining all props. Props are items that are carried or handled by the Actors, including food and drink, office or household supplies, money, weapons, tools, toys, games, and so on.
Costume Designer:
Person responsible for researching and designing the costumes and accompanying accessories for the actors & actresses and oversees the making fitting, acquisition, and rental of all wardrobe items.
Key Costumer:
Individual who is responsible to the costume designer for the selection, acquisition, rental, and care of all wardrobe items. This person also prepares a costume breakdown and, in consultation with the costume designer and production manager a wardrobe budget.
Key Make-Up Artist:
Individual in charge with the application of makeup on the actors, actresses, and extras. The Make-up Artist is also responsible for preparing a makeup schedule and for supervising and coordinating with other members of the makeup department, including assistants, body makeup artists, special effects makeup and hair stylists.
Key Hair Stylist:
Styles and it required, cuts, colors, and washes the hair and wigs of all actors and actresses.
Sound Mixer:
Responsible to the director for recording and production sound, and for the quality of the mixed and recorded sound during production. He or she operates the mixing console, recorded and associated equipment.
Boom Operator:
The person responsible for to the production mixer for operating and maintaining the microphone boom along with the attached shotgun microphone.
The individual responsible to the producers and production company for publicizing the television show in the various media - print, radio, television, etc.
Person who selects and assembles the footage to create a story progression in accordance with the director's vision. The editor works closely with the director in viewing dailies to determine what takes are best used to tell the story.
Assistant Editor:
Person who handles all of the details in the editing room so the editor is free to make creative decisions. This includes digitizing the footage into the editing system, making sure that every shot is accounted for, dealing with the lab, and handling all technical issues that may occur with the editing system.
The Composer composes the music score for the production in order to heighten and intensify the emotional tone of the tv show.

Ebonylife TV audition!

Audition for an Ebonylife TV movie 
Date: 5th,6th,7th January 2015
Venue: 52 Joseph Harrison crescent off Onike Iwaya road Beside Oando filling station, Onike, Lagos
Time:10am-4pm daily

Audition notice

Umpire Film Org. seeks cute young guys and ladies, age 20-25, for a 20minutes short film, titled The Paragon, to be produced in January 2015. Fair ladies with beauty and height, handsome guys with brain and brawn, will get the advantage.
Date: 10th January 2015
Audition Venue: 16 Bassie Ogamba st, off Adeniran Ogunsanya, Surulere.
Time: 9am prompt!

Interested persons should send info and copy of portrait to:
For more information, call 07088661398

Sunday, 4 January 2015


FROM...02/01/15 -? 10/02/15

1. Thank you Lord for all You have done in
our lives, in our homes, in His Church, in
our nation Nigeria. 1 Chron 16: 8-9
2. Thank you Lord for all Your provisions
to us as individuals, as families and as a
church. Deut 8:10
3. Thank you Lord for our salvation and
for our heavenly inheritance. Col 1:12
4. Thank you Lord for forgiving us our sins
Ps 103: 3
5. Thank you Lord for divine health
enjoyed throughout 2014. Ex 15: 26
6. Thank you Lord for delivering us from all
forms of destruction in 2014. Psm 103: 4
7. Thank you Lord for all the good things
you have satisfied me with in 2014. Psm
103: 5
8. Thank you Lord for not allowing us to
be preys to our enemies. Ps 124: 6
9. Thank you Lord for causing us to escape
all the traps the enemy set for us in 2014.
Psm 124: 7
10. Thank you Lord for fighting all my
battles for me in 2014. Ex 14: 14
1. Father God, please make this year a year
of rest for me and my family in Jesus
name. 1Kings 5: 4, 2 Chron 14: 7
2. O Lord, in your mercy, release me from
every judgement that I deserve in Jesus
name. Ps 25: 7, Ps 94: 18; Ps 145: 8
3. O Lord, in this year of release, please set
me and my family free from every form of
bondage -? spiritual, physical, financial and
emotional in Jesus name. Ex 2: 23,- 25; Ex
20: 2; Is 1-: 27
4. Father God, please cancel all my debts
supernaturally and let there be a transfer
of the wealth of the heathen and the
unrighteous into my storehouses in Jesus
name. Deut 28: 12; Zech 14: 14; Is 61: 6-7
5. O Lord, let there be a restoration of all
the assets -? land, property, investments,
deposits that I have lost to creditors and
fraudsters in Jesus name. 2 Kings 8:5-6;
Joel 2: 25-26
6. Father God, let there be peace, unity,
love and reconciliation in my family in the
mighty name of Jesus. Ps 133:1-3; Gen
11:67. Father, make this year a year of
divine scholarship for me. Cause me to
reap and to benefit from where I have not
sowed or laboured in Jesus name. Deut 6:
8. O Lord, please protect me from every
destruction and calamity reserved for the
disobedient this year in Jesus name. . Job
31: 3; Ps 55:23
9. O Lord, please annul and set me free
from every agreement or contract
designed to short change me or frustrate
me in Jesus name. Gen 31: 7-9
10. Every prison door and every ancient
gate between me and my breakthrough,
be lifted up in Jesus name. . Ps 24: 7
1. O Lord, establish the Tabernacle of
David as a place of true worship; bring
men and women from all the nations of
the earth to worship you and to hear and
obey your Word . . Is 2: 2-3
2. Lord send us revival and let it start with
me. Ps 51: 12-13
3. O Lord, bring back to life everything in
us that is dead. Ps 85: 6, Ezek 37: 9-10
4. Lord, let there be a fresh outpouring of
your Spirit upon us in TODAY. Is 32: 15
5. O Lord, give us a fresh hunger for YOU.
Ps 42: 1-2
6. Lord, cause us to increase numerically
and spiritually; let us have a greater impact
in our surrounding communities. Ex 1: 7
7. O Lord, let your signs and wonders be
wrought continually in our midst and in all
our house fellowships. Is 8:18
8. O Lord, please deliver all our members
from every form of STAGNANCY; increase
us on every side and cause us to move
forward. Gen 26: 12-13
9. O Lord, let signs, wonders, healings and
uncommon miracles be our portion
throughout 2015 and beyond. Acts 5:12
10. O Lord, let there be accelerated
promotion for all our career brethren and
flourishing businesses for all our
businessmen and businesswomen. Ps 75:
6; Ex 12: 36; Ps 35:27
1. Oh Lord, grant the RCCG Leadership
(the General Overseer, Pastor E.A.
Adeboye, the Governing Council, the
Elders, the Provincial Pastors/Asst.
Provincial Pastors/Pastors) wisdom and
deep revelation in the knowledge of Him.
Eph 1: 17-19; Phil 1:9-11
2. O Lord, please be a wall of fire around
the RCCG Leadership and safeguard them
against all forms of satanic attack. Lk 22:
31; Zech 2:5
3. O Lord, we take authority against
everything that the enemy would want to
use to threaten the UNITY of RCCG. Ps 133:
4. O Lord, in RCCG, give us pastors that will
shepherd the flock with INTEGRITY of
heart. Ps 78: 72
5. Father, let your FRESH ANOINTING be
upon all our Pastors. Ps 23: 5b; Ps 92: 10
6. O Lord, we ask for WISDOM and
UNDERSTANDING in the lives of all our
parish/area/provincial pastors to lead the
flock aright. Col 1: 9-11
7. O Lord, let there be the full operation of
the revelational,vocal, and power gifts in
the lives of all RCCG ministers. 1 Corin 12:
8. O Lord, manifest your power and glory
in all Holy Ghost Services, Conventions,
Congress, Shiloh and Divine Encounter
Programmes this year 2015. 2 Chron 5: 14;
Acts 16:26
9. O Lord, let there be great expansion of
your Kingdom through the parishes both
in Nigeria and all nations of the earth.
Mark 1: 28
10. O Lord, let nothing bring your Name or
the name of RCCG into disrepute. Matt 5:
13, Rom 2: 25
1. O Lord, let our land Nigeria experience
rest this year in Jesus name. 1 Kings 5: 4, 2
Chron 14: 7
2. Father Lord, let your will be done in the
forth-?coming general elections. Give us
leaders after your own will. Let your
counsel alone stand. Matt.6:10; Prov.19:21
3. O Lord, give us God-?fearing leadership
at local government, state & federal levels.
1 tim 2:2; Prov 29: 2
4. O Lord, deliver Nigeria from all forms of
violence and acts of terrorism. Isa 60: 18
5. O Lord, deliver Nigeria from every form
of natural disasters. Psm 91: 1-10
6. Father, expose every form of corruption
in our land and cause the nation to
recover all that has been stolen through
corrupt acts. Amos 5:11; Ezra 7: 26
7. O Lord, Revive all the dead sectors of
our economy. Ezekiel 37:1-?14
8. O Lord, cause Nigeria to be a debt-?free
nation. Deut.15:6; Deut.28:12
9. O Lord, deliver Nigeria from all from of
financial waste. Isa 61: 4
10. Father, please restore Nigeria’s
prominence as a leading economy in
Africa. Joel 2:25-?26: Deut.28:13