Sunday, 4 January 2015


FROM...02/01/15 -? 10/02/15

1. Thank you Lord for all You have done in
our lives, in our homes, in His Church, in
our nation Nigeria. 1 Chron 16: 8-9
2. Thank you Lord for all Your provisions
to us as individuals, as families and as a
church. Deut 8:10
3. Thank you Lord for our salvation and
for our heavenly inheritance. Col 1:12
4. Thank you Lord for forgiving us our sins
Ps 103: 3
5. Thank you Lord for divine health
enjoyed throughout 2014. Ex 15: 26
6. Thank you Lord for delivering us from all
forms of destruction in 2014. Psm 103: 4
7. Thank you Lord for all the good things
you have satisfied me with in 2014. Psm
103: 5
8. Thank you Lord for not allowing us to
be preys to our enemies. Ps 124: 6
9. Thank you Lord for causing us to escape
all the traps the enemy set for us in 2014.
Psm 124: 7
10. Thank you Lord for fighting all my
battles for me in 2014. Ex 14: 14
1. Father God, please make this year a year
of rest for me and my family in Jesus
name. 1Kings 5: 4, 2 Chron 14: 7
2. O Lord, in your mercy, release me from
every judgement that I deserve in Jesus
name. Ps 25: 7, Ps 94: 18; Ps 145: 8
3. O Lord, in this year of release, please set
me and my family free from every form of
bondage -? spiritual, physical, financial and
emotional in Jesus name. Ex 2: 23,- 25; Ex
20: 2; Is 1-: 27
4. Father God, please cancel all my debts
supernaturally and let there be a transfer
of the wealth of the heathen and the
unrighteous into my storehouses in Jesus
name. Deut 28: 12; Zech 14: 14; Is 61: 6-7
5. O Lord, let there be a restoration of all
the assets -? land, property, investments,
deposits that I have lost to creditors and
fraudsters in Jesus name. 2 Kings 8:5-6;
Joel 2: 25-26
6. Father God, let there be peace, unity,
love and reconciliation in my family in the
mighty name of Jesus. Ps 133:1-3; Gen
11:67. Father, make this year a year of
divine scholarship for me. Cause me to
reap and to benefit from where I have not
sowed or laboured in Jesus name. Deut 6:
8. O Lord, please protect me from every
destruction and calamity reserved for the
disobedient this year in Jesus name. . Job
31: 3; Ps 55:23
9. O Lord, please annul and set me free
from every agreement or contract
designed to short change me or frustrate
me in Jesus name. Gen 31: 7-9
10. Every prison door and every ancient
gate between me and my breakthrough,
be lifted up in Jesus name. . Ps 24: 7
1. O Lord, establish the Tabernacle of
David as a place of true worship; bring
men and women from all the nations of
the earth to worship you and to hear and
obey your Word . . Is 2: 2-3
2. Lord send us revival and let it start with
me. Ps 51: 12-13
3. O Lord, bring back to life everything in
us that is dead. Ps 85: 6, Ezek 37: 9-10
4. Lord, let there be a fresh outpouring of
your Spirit upon us in TODAY. Is 32: 15
5. O Lord, give us a fresh hunger for YOU.
Ps 42: 1-2
6. Lord, cause us to increase numerically
and spiritually; let us have a greater impact
in our surrounding communities. Ex 1: 7
7. O Lord, let your signs and wonders be
wrought continually in our midst and in all
our house fellowships. Is 8:18
8. O Lord, please deliver all our members
from every form of STAGNANCY; increase
us on every side and cause us to move
forward. Gen 26: 12-13
9. O Lord, let signs, wonders, healings and
uncommon miracles be our portion
throughout 2015 and beyond. Acts 5:12
10. O Lord, let there be accelerated
promotion for all our career brethren and
flourishing businesses for all our
businessmen and businesswomen. Ps 75:
6; Ex 12: 36; Ps 35:27
1. Oh Lord, grant the RCCG Leadership
(the General Overseer, Pastor E.A.
Adeboye, the Governing Council, the
Elders, the Provincial Pastors/Asst.
Provincial Pastors/Pastors) wisdom and
deep revelation in the knowledge of Him.
Eph 1: 17-19; Phil 1:9-11
2. O Lord, please be a wall of fire around
the RCCG Leadership and safeguard them
against all forms of satanic attack. Lk 22:
31; Zech 2:5
3. O Lord, we take authority against
everything that the enemy would want to
use to threaten the UNITY of RCCG. Ps 133:
4. O Lord, in RCCG, give us pastors that will
shepherd the flock with INTEGRITY of
heart. Ps 78: 72
5. Father, let your FRESH ANOINTING be
upon all our Pastors. Ps 23: 5b; Ps 92: 10
6. O Lord, we ask for WISDOM and
UNDERSTANDING in the lives of all our
parish/area/provincial pastors to lead the
flock aright. Col 1: 9-11
7. O Lord, let there be the full operation of
the revelational,vocal, and power gifts in
the lives of all RCCG ministers. 1 Corin 12:
8. O Lord, manifest your power and glory
in all Holy Ghost Services, Conventions,
Congress, Shiloh and Divine Encounter
Programmes this year 2015. 2 Chron 5: 14;
Acts 16:26
9. O Lord, let there be great expansion of
your Kingdom through the parishes both
in Nigeria and all nations of the earth.
Mark 1: 28
10. O Lord, let nothing bring your Name or
the name of RCCG into disrepute. Matt 5:
13, Rom 2: 25
1. O Lord, let our land Nigeria experience
rest this year in Jesus name. 1 Kings 5: 4, 2
Chron 14: 7
2. Father Lord, let your will be done in the
forth-?coming general elections. Give us
leaders after your own will. Let your
counsel alone stand. Matt.6:10; Prov.19:21
3. O Lord, give us God-?fearing leadership
at local government, state & federal levels.
1 tim 2:2; Prov 29: 2
4. O Lord, deliver Nigeria from all forms of
violence and acts of terrorism. Isa 60: 18
5. O Lord, deliver Nigeria from every form
of natural disasters. Psm 91: 1-10
6. Father, expose every form of corruption
in our land and cause the nation to
recover all that has been stolen through
corrupt acts. Amos 5:11; Ezra 7: 26
7. O Lord, Revive all the dead sectors of
our economy. Ezekiel 37:1-?14
8. O Lord, cause Nigeria to be a debt-?free
nation. Deut.15:6; Deut.28:12
9. O Lord, deliver Nigeria from all from of
financial waste. Isa 61: 4
10. Father, please restore Nigeria’s
prominence as a leading economy in
Africa. Joel 2:25-?26: Deut.28:13

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